OpenBID Vendor

Complete cover sheet
Tracks all your totals

Reclaim your life back with 10x faster VFX bidding: featuring advanced shot templates, projected cash flow, compounding crew plans, ChatGPT-4 automation, automatic thumbnails with DALL-E, and error-free bids with a robust set of automated checks. Plus, every formula has been simplified with detailed explanations, ensuring you never get confused.

Forged with love from the furnace of real production by

Marcus LeVere

Veteran VFX Supervisor.

OpenBID Vendor Box

Outpace the competition: Get 10 VFX bids done by the time they finish one. Plus, seamlessly connect thousands of bids for combined profit projections and crew planning!

Try the Google Sheets™ add-on and see for yourself.

The add-on will request these permissions.

Add-on permissions
  • Drive is used to share only the NDAs and the folders you specify in the OpenBID Client OVERVIEW tab.

  • YouTube permissions are used to look for chapters in from the url you enter in the sidebar.

  • Spreadsheet permissions are used to automatically share your bid breakdowns with your vendors.

  • External services are used to connect to ChatGPT4 and DALLE with the OpenAI API.

  • Sidebars are used to insert YouTube chapter links and images from Google Drive.

OpenBID Toolkit is safe


Google™ adheres to very strict security protocols when it comes to using the Drive API. No third parties can view or access your data without you sharing it first. Moreover, the OpenBID Toolkit add-on has undergone a complete third party security audit to be admitted to the Google™ Workspace Marketplace.

To view the certificate, visit: The Third Party Security Assessment page.

If you have any questions about how this add-on uses permissions feel free contact Marcus LeVere directly at